A new type of sulphoaluminatae-MDF cement with the long-term stability and larger bending strength is going to be prepard. The chemical action mechanism of KH and PVA in this cement is investigatd.Three samples about C4A3S, KC and PC are analysed by means of XPS, IR and XRD. The experimentalrsults show that there exist coupling raction, chemical binding action between KH and C4A3S and the chemical reaction between PVA and hydration products of C4A3S. The polar functional group hydroxyl-OH oforganic polymer PVA and cement hydration products as well as unhydrated cement particles' surfaces canproduce binding function and form chemical bonds. Which benefits the enhancement of the strength andtoughness of MDF cement. The coupling agent KH possessing organophilic and inorganophilic chemicalfunctional groups not only produces coupling raction with cement particles, but also producesphysiochemical action with organic polymer PVA by the aid of disprsion force and hydfgen bonds so that thestrength, toughness and chemical stability of MDF cement can be further improved. A new type of MDF ce-'ment with the bending strength larger than 170 MPa and compressive strength equal to 240 MPa issuccessfuly prepard.
Chinese Journal of Materials Research