n June,1992,we took a general survey on the present
epidemic situation of gluteus muscle contrac-ture in children of middle, primary and nursery
schools in a region of South China. 5687 children were ex-amined, 270 of them were
sufferers,the general prevalence rate was 4.75%. The prevalence rate of boyswas obviously
higher than that of girls,the younger the children,the higher the prevalence rates.1424childern in
another region near the one mentioned above were also examined,only 3 of them were
suffer-ers,the prevalence rate was only0. 21%. Geographical conditions,environmental pollution
and customswere excluded from the etiology of gluteus muscle contracture. Intramuscular
injection,hereditary andcongenital factors may account for the occurrence of the
contracture,especially intramuscular injectionmight be an important etiologic factor. The
intramuscular injection rates have a linear positive correlationwith the prevalence rates. The
roles of constitutional and sex distinctions in etiology are not clear.
Journal of First Military Medical University