Abstract:The Lopingian marine sequence is fully developed in South China and has potential toserve as an international standard for correlation of the Latest Permian. A conventionallower boundary of the Lopingian Series was placed at the base of Clarkinaliangshanensis--C. letteri zone (Wang and Wang, 1979, 1983: Wang, 1990; Ding, 1992) and/or Prototoceras-Anderssonceras zone, which represents the first fossiliferous marine bed in'the shelf sequence. However, information about the precise succession of marine fossilzones from the Latest Maokouan and the Earliest Lopingian based on which the stratigraphic level of Maokouan (Guadalupian)/Lopingian boundary can be selected is still notavailable at present. Such a succession can only be found from the sequences of slope deposits or basin deposits because South China seas had been exclusively affected by a majorregression towards the end of Maokouan. As a result of the regression, a terrigenous formation is sandwiched in between the marine deposits of Maokouan and Lopingian on theshelves. Zhang and others (1990) reported that in the Dukou Section, Xuanhan, Sichuan.the marine sequence from Late Maokouan to Early Lopingian is nearly complete as theyformed in a Maokouan basin. A closer examination shows there still exists a terrigenousbed, though it is much thinner than the equivalents formed in shelf areas. The overlyingWuchiaping Formation produces numerous conodonts that are dealt with in detail in another paper (in print. ). It consists of packstone and wackestone and contains Clarkinaliangshanensis in the middle part and a conodont zone which is temporarily designated asthe Clarkina liangshanensis ? Zone in this paper, in the hasal part.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica