The concept of mean ionization potential of crystal <U0> is proposed, and the <U0> of Oxide Superconduetors is investigated in this paper. The result shows, that the <U0> values of almost all supercondueting oxides cencentrate in a narrow rarge from 10.20 to 10.50eV, while that of non-superconducting oxides scatter outside this region. This characteristics may be then as a new mark or criterion for oxide superconductivity. In Y(123), the variation of oxygen content results in the increase of Tc upon increase of < U0>, while the substitution of Ba2+ by Sr2+ results in the increase of Tc upon increase of < U0>. However in both cases, the variation of Tc is caused by the change of < U0 >. So the mean ionization potential < U0 > is closely correlated with the superconductivity of oxides.