A discussion was made in this paper to the multiple Cycles and the migrations of the MesozoicCenozoic magmatism in Southeast China continent, as well aS the correlation of tectonic evolution and rock series and rock assemblages. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic magnatism and metallization in the region are constricted by the characteristics of Precambrain lithosphere, which is reflected by three models of the lithospheric structure in Southeast China continent. It is suggested that the region can be divided into four tectonic periods and the characters of source region and the tectonic envirotunent of crustal as well as mantle evolution for the magmatic products, which are produced in various tectonic periods, are discussed. thed on the facts of extension- breakup in the direction of nearly south-north and roughly northeast after collisional orogeny of the different tectonic units, the Mesozoic-Cenozoic magmatism and geodynamics of crustal the mantle evolution can be explained by the transitional process from compressive collision to extensional-breakup of orogenic belts.
Volcanology & Mineral Resources
magamtism, crustal and mantle evolution, collision and breakup, Southeast China contient