By the way of Xr-ay diffraction. EPW and metallographic examination, thesurfaee hardenins mechanism of boronized cobalt-tungsten hard alloy is studied. It is shownthat: a) boronizing changes microstructure of the hard alloy, it reduces the voluiTie fractionof tunssten earbide, the distance between these carbide particles is incrcased, theircrystallographic morphology becomes spheroidizedi b) cobalt and tunssten borides are foundin the boromzed layer, the former liardness is 1400~2000HV, the latter one is 2000~3100HV; c) EPMA indieates, during boronizing, elements are redistributed in the boronizeddiffusion layer, eabalt moves inward, tungsten and carbon outward; d) hardness ofboronized layer of YG8 alloy is about 2700~3100HV. Therefore, the wear-resistance ofthe alloy boronized is significantiy iinproved. Hence, the boronizins techilology can be usedfor liard alloy to make high-speed puiling die.
hard alloy, boromzing, boritie, tungrten earbide