Observations have been made on two
groups of patients to study the relationship between the analgesie effect of massotherapy
andneurotransmitters of pain.One group consisting of 9 patients of acute soft tissue injury,
were tested to deteromine their content of content of catecholamine (CA)in plas-ma before and
after massotherapy. The other group consisting of 34 patients of lumbar intervertebral disc
protrusion were tested to de-termine their content of CA and its metabolites before and after
massotherapy.The results of both groups showed that after massotherapy content of
noradrenaline(CA)and dopamine(DA)in plasma dropped dramatically while content of CA,DA and
vanillymandelic acid (VMA)in urineincreased gratly. This sugged a closerelatonship be-tween
CA content in body fluid and the effect of massotherapy. The gerater the decrease of CA in
plasma and the increase of CA inurine, the better is the clinical therapeutic effect. It should be
noted that during the massotherapy the CA content in body fluid is one of the essential
substances that participates inurine, the better is the clinical therapeutic effect.It shold be noted
that during the massotherapy the CA content in body fluid is one of the essntial substances that
participates in reguation of pain-relieving.
The Journal of Cervicodynia and Lumbodynia