Twenty-one metallogenic series of main ore deposits from the Late Archean to the Mesozoic in the Qirtlingarea have been distinguished,comprising one in the Late Archean,four from the Middle to the LataProterozoic,three from the Late Proterozoic to the Lower Paleozoic,three in the Caledonian(including the Late Caledonian-Early Hereyniazn),ono in theHercynian,six in the Meso-zoic and two whose metalIoeserenic epochos are unidentified.Metallogenic pro-cesses of ore-forming elements such as Mo,Au,Ag,Pb,Zn,Hg,Sb,Nb REE and U mostly took placain the area, and there is a wide varioty of genetic types of deposits. Most of the motallogeronic series of deposits are related geneti-cally to magmatic inthesions and eruptions,with early(from the Late Archean to the Lower PaleoZoic)ones to the basic-ultrabasic intrusions and the bimoda-lity pattern marine volca nism resulting from spreading rifting and deep fau-lting and the late(from the Late Paleozolc to the Mesozoic)ones to interme-diate-acid inthesions and terrrstrial volcanisni,generated by conversion of tecto-nic environmenfor frorn ocean to intracontinent. The ore-forming materials worederived mainly from deep-seated soiirces, showing that the tectonomagmaticactivities reached very great depths.There are two important metallotocrenicages: one is the Middle Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic during whtch the metallo-genetic processes wero related to the spreading riftiWor;the other,related to theintracontinental subduction, is the Mesozoic. The Early Proterozoic metallo-genesis was quite weak.The regional metamorphism and high-pressure dynamo-mel:amorphism exerted remarkable effectu on the fozznation of iron, gold, ura-nium, rutile and blue asbestoo oro deposits . Sedimentary metallocroreneses,whichmust have brought about the formation of iron, manganese, lead, zinc andvanadium ore deposito, occurred largely in the Late Alchean, the Paleozoic andthe Mesozoic. There are metalloererenetically marked differences between theeastern Qinling and the western Qinling divided by loWcritude 106°E as aboundary. The disl:ribution of doposits are mostly controlled by the EW-NWWstriking structures, on which the Yanshanian NE-strikincrcr structures woresuperimposed later. Metallocaereneses in the area are characterized by inhorita-nco,polyphases, polysources and polyraereneses. Many times of strong tectonicmovements and their disitinction in time and space played a dominant partin the formation of the unique metallogenic features in the QinliWcr area.
Mineral Deposits
oro deposit, metallogenic series,regional metallogeny,Qinling area