
浙江及皖东丘陵地区火炬松生长分析 被引量:6

Growth Analysis of Loblolly Pine in Hilly Area of Zhejiang and Eastern Anhui Province
摘要 浙江及皖东丘陵地区火炬松生长分析迟健,李桂英,李春发,曾文胜,陈学堂,张建中关键词火炬松,生长分析,密度我国引种美国南方松已有46a历史,大规模引种在70年代中期开始,这些树种在我国南方丘陵地区生长通常良好[1,2]。其中浙江引种南方松5000多hm... According to the data of 31 sample plots and 19 analytical trees of loblolly pine in Eastern Anhui and Northwest and Southeast of Zhejiang Province,it shows that the site index of the area,where the loblolly pines are distributed is 10~24 in general,mostly 14~18.In the region of site index 20~24,the interlock point of the average yearly growth of height and the successive yearly growth is at the age of 8 for the tree height and at the age of 10 for the DBH; while in the region of site index 14~18,they are at the age of 12 and 10 respectively;while in the region of site index 10~12,the interlock point for DBH is post-poned to the age of 16.In the regions of above mentioned three site indexes,the successive yearly growth of volume and the average growth of volume doesn′t meet at the age of 20.Another analysis shows that the correlation coefficient for the density and diameter is r=0.652 87·;while for the diameter with bark 0.368 4+1.074 850x(x is the diameter without bark).In the investigated area,the form-factor of the loblolly pine is 0.58 at the age of 。10;0.54 at the age of 15; 0.49 at the age of 20. The regression equation for crown width and diameter is=0. 88+0. 188 9x(x is DBH),which has a significant correlation.The height-diameter ratio of this tree species changes with the change of region and cultivation density,when it is at the age of 15~20,the regression equation for density(trees/hm2)and DBH is=46.32+0.096 4x(x is density).The suitable cultivation density is 1 800 trees/hm2.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第4期437-442,共6页 Forest Research
基金 国家攻关课题
关键词 火炬松 生长分析 密度 浙江 丘陵区 loblolly pine,growth analysis,density
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  • 1浙江省国外松协作组.浙江省湿地松、火炬松引种推广的调查分析[J]林业科学研究,1988(02).
  • 2孙光新,赖天碧,邱辉.几种国外松及马尾松生长规律的研究[J]林业科技通讯,1987(08).




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