
钼酸铵显色法测定血清过氧化氢酶 被引量:83

Molybdate colorimetric method for determination of catalase in serum
摘要 介绍一种简便的以钼酸铵显色的血清过氧化氢酶分光光度测定法。该法酶活性在100kU/L内呈良好线性。批内变异CV=3.6%,天间变异CV=4.57%。平均回收率为100.14%。高TG、高Bil血清标本,可使A值增加,但不影响Cat测定值。VitC、肝素均可使酶活性减低。由于红细胞内富含Cat,溶血标本能显著增加酶活性。血清标本酶活性在-4℃48h内无变化,在-25℃能保持5~6周。388例体检健康者血清Catx=57.61KU/L,经D检验,当P=0.05时,属正态分布;P=0.1时,属非正态分布。中位数(Md)=56.22KU/L,百分位数法计算,其95%范围为21.58~108.87(kU/L)。初步观察119例患者Cat活性,显示各类癌症患者Cat活性明显减低。 This paper reported a rapid cost-efficient, spectrophotometric asaay for serum catalase activity.Serum Cat activity is linear up to 100 kU/L. The absorbance is stable at least for 60min after the colour development. Within-rnn CV=3.6% . Between Day-to-Day CV= 4.57%. The mean recovery rate was 100.14%. Lipemic and icteric sera increased the absorbance without influencing the Cat assay. Ascorbic acid and heparin reduced Cat activity. Due to the high Cat activity in crythrocytes artificial hcmolysis increascd serum Cat activity. The activity of serum catalase was stable when it was stored at 4℃ for two days and at-25℃ for five or six weeks. In 388 healthy individuals the mean values of serum Cat were 57.6lkU/L. The median was 56.22kU/L. When P=0.05, it belongs to normal distribution. When P=0.1, it belongs to non-normal distribution. The 95 Percentiles were 21.58~108.87(kU/L). The serum Cat activities showed significant decrease in the case of cancer among 119 patients.
作者 程鲁京 孟泽
出处 《临床检验杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1期6-8,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
关键词 血清 过氧化氢酶 分光光度法 serum catalase hydrogen peroxide spectrophotometric assay
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