
食管心房调搏对儿童室上性心动过速的诊断 被引量:8

Transesophageal Atrial Pacing in the Diagnosis ofSuperventricular Tachycardia in Children
摘要 34例阵发性室上性心动过速(室上速)患儿经食管心房调搏检查,诊断为房室结折返13例。快慢径有效不应期分别为337±59.46ms和278±71.24ms(P<0.05);传导时间分别为220±50ms和308±58.09ms(P<0.05)。旁室旁道折返19例,其中6例为隐性,旁道前向有效不应期200~320ms,与年龄呈正相关,但无显著性。自律性房住心动过速2例。儿童SVT以房室折返为主,测定PV1-PE时距及RPE间期有助于鉴别折返性室上速的类型及旁道位置。房室结折返PV1-PE时距近于零,房室折返为34.29±8.5ms.左侧旁道为正值,右侧为负值。但PV1有时辨认不满意,有局限性。房室结折返RPE间期<70ms.而旁路折返则>70ms。 Thirty-four patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (SVTIwere studied by transesophageal atrial pacing (TEAP). There were atrioventricular node reentry(AVNRT) in 13 cases, atrioventricular reentry (AVRT) in 19 cases, including 6 cases withconcealed AVRT, and 2 cases with ectopic atrical tachycardia. The effective period (EFP) offast pethway was longer than that of slow pathway (337± 59. 46 vs 278± 71. 24 ms, P<0. 05 ). The conduction time in fast pathway was shorter than that in slow pathway (220± 50 vs308 ±53. 09 ms, P<0. 05). The antesrade ERP of accessory pathway (AVAP) ranged from200 to 320 ms. There was a direct correlation between age and antegrade ERP of AVAP, but nosignificant (r= 0. 04 , P>0. 05). Pv1  ̄PE and RPE interval can be used as an important para-menter in the differential diasnosis of SVT. In AVRT, Pv1 ̄PE= 34. 29±8. 5 ms, and RPE>70 ms. In AVNRT, Pv1 ̄PE0, and RPE<70 ms.
机构地区 北京儿童医院
出处 《临床心电学杂志》 1994年第2期59-62,共4页 Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology
关键词 食管心房调搏 心动过速 儿童 诊断 Transesophageal atrial pecing Superventricular tachycardie
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