

Polarization Potential and Polarized Charge of a Electron in a Ternary Mixed Crystal
摘要 本文计及双支纵光学声子模的作用,采用微扰法导出了极性三元混晶A_xB_(1-x)C中极化子的二级近似波函数,进一步计算了电子的极化势和极化电荷密度.数值计算了混晶Al_xGa_(1-x)As和ZnTe_xSe_(1-x)中极化势与极化电荷密度对组分x的依赖关系,并对结果进行了讨论. he second order approximation wave function of a polaron in a ternary mixed crystal is de-rived by a pertubation method,the polarization potential and the polarized charge density of aelectron are also calculated.The numerical results are given for Al_xGa_(1-x)As and ZnTe_xSe_(1-x) with different composition x,and the results are discussed.
作者 李冰 梁希侠
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1994年第3期288-294,共7页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 三元混晶 极化势 极化电荷 ternary mixed crystal polarization potential polarized charge density
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