
我国自然保护区有效管理评价指标研究 被引量:66

A study on evaluation criteria for effective management of thenature reserves in China.
摘要 本文根据我国自然保护区建设速度较快但管理水平较低的现状,在多年调查研究的基础上,提出制定自然保护区有效管理评价标准的必要性,并详细阐述了在保护区管理条件、管理措施、科研基础和管理成效等四个方面的评价内容,提出13项评价指标,进而作了详细的评分等级划分,提出一套评价全国自然保护区管理质量的指标体系,为全国自然保护区管理的监督检查提供了一套简便适用、易于操作的评判标准。 Based on the present status of fast increase inreserve's number and Iow level in their management in China,the necessity of formulating an evaluating standard forreserve's effective management is advanced .13 evaluating cri-teria in the aspect of reserve's management conditions,man-agement measures scientific research basis and managementeffects are put forward and scored in detail,and a set of quan-titative criterion system for evaluating reserve's managementquality is presented. It provides a concise and practical evaluat-ing standard for the nationaI monitoring inspection of naturereserve management.
出处 《农村生态环境》 CSCD 1994年第2期6-9,共4页 Rural Eco-Environment
关键词 自然保护区 有效管理 评价指标 中国 nature reserve,protected area, effectivemanagement,evaluating criteria
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