Being a complex orogenic belt East Kunlun can be divided into three zones,i. e,theNorth Kunlun granomagmatic arcuate zone,the Central Kunlun Bi-type subduction zone and theSouth Kunlun melange zone. Geological characteristics of this region revealed that the CentralKunlun fault zone played a leading role in long tectonic evolution. The North China and. SouthChina plate subducted and collided along the Central Kunlun fault in Late Proterozoic so as to laya foundation for the subsequent tectonic evolution. Taking advantage of mass analysis and pre-sent-position reconstruction three evolution periods can be identified in Iate Palaeozoic-Mesozoictectonic.evolution,that is, stretchsliding-overlaped in Devonian-Early Permian, 'B' type subduc-tion in-Early Permian-Middle Triassic,and 'A'type oblique subduction in the End of Middle Tri-assic-Early Jurassic.