
基于企业家网络的企业家学习过程模式剖析 被引量:24

Pattern on Entrepreneurial Learning Process Based on Entrepreneurial Network
摘要 企业家通过特定的网络获取信息和资源并进行学习,是提升企业家能力的重要途径。在企业发展的不同阶段,企业家网络的类型也不同,如何借助网络的优势构筑不同的学习模式来应对和处理企业发展中的问题,是具有现实背景和理论价值的课题。应对此,提倡和支持企业家的学习行为,为企业家自身学习和成长构建一个基础的思维平台。尤其是中小企业在从创立期进入成长期的过渡阶段,应主动完成企业家网络的演变,利用网络优势解决中断时期的关键事件,促成企业的跃迁。 Entrepreneurs can obtain messages and resources by means of the entrepreneurial network, which is the key method for them to enhance their ability. Different entrepreneurial networks exist at different business development stages. At the emergence stage, SMEs' entrepreneurial network is a highly path-dependent and strong connected network with most strongly linked embedded ties. It is entrepreneur individual's network to certain extent. At that time, the entrepreneur's friends, relatives and colleagues make up the network ties whose information resource is comparatively more dependable. Hence the entrepreneurial learning is patterned on complete trust and development. This kind of learning action is of low cost and happens frequently. At the growing stage, the entrepreneurial network may become increasingly amenable to intentional management on basis of mixed ties. The connection among ties is not as good as the entrepreneurial individual network, and the calculative network relates to a series of varied functional ties. In reality, the network of calculative type is addition of entrepreneurial individual network and the social network. Now a two-way flow of information in the network is achieved. Entrepreneurs gain information and experience through the network, and consciously feedback their own information to it, thus promoting the network beneficial development. In view of such distinguished feature, at this stage, the entrepreneurial learning becomes conscious, gradual and progressive, and is characterized by its systematism, process and continuity. As firms move from startup into early growth, the network undergoes three major shifts: (1) from predominantly embedded ties to a balance of embedded and arm's-length relations; (2) from networks that emphasize cohesion to those that exploit structural holes; and (3) from a more path-dependent to a more intentionally managed network. But now, the entrepreneurial network's evolution involves even more with entrepreneurial learning and the problems in the interception period. Thus, the entrepreneur's learning pattern of critical affairs is a trigger and nonlinear process. This paper advocates and supports the entrepreneurial learning, and constructs a basic thinking terrace for Entrepreneur self-learning and the growth of business so as to facilitate the business transition.
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第2期150-157,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(70232012)
关键词 中小企业 企业家网络 学习过程模式 SME Entrepreneurial network Pattern on entrepreneurial learning process
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