半个多世纪以来 ,新疆的教育事业发生了根本的变化 ,为新疆经济的长足发展做出了巨大贡献 ,打下了坚实基础。但与内地发达城市相比 ,新疆的教育质量还存在很大差距 ,主要表现在经济落后、教师队伍素质不高、人才流失严重、少数民族教育质量差等方面。只有通过科教兴新、加强师资建设留住人才、多渠道多方面进行教育融资与整合、控制人口等多方面的努力 ,才能更好更快地提高新疆的教育质量 ,缩短与内地城市间的差距。
Over half a century and more, the education industry in Xinjiang has changed significantly, which laid a solid foundation for the economic development of Xinjiang. But compared with developed provinces, the education quality in Xinjiang is still not as good as the advanced provinces. The author points out and analyzes the existing problems of education in Xinjiang and urges the Xinjiang government to resolve these problems as soon as possible.
Journal of Xinjiang Finance & Economy Institute