
电力市场下电力需求侧管理实施机制初探 被引量:69

摘要 近年的加州电力市场危机、2003年北美大停电和相继发生的停电事故以及2004年夏天我国的严重电力短缺,反映出将解除管制的重点放在发电侧引入竞争的市场结构和运行机制上是不健全的,也说明了需求侧管理(DSM)是保证电力工业长效可持续发展的重要手段。作者简述了DSM的起源、内容和沿革,强调在当前电力改革的环境下DSM需要新的评价体系、激励机制、实施机制和相应的技术支持系统。介绍了国际能源机构(IEA)历时10多年的DSM计划的内容和取得的成果;详细介绍了需求侧竞价的内容、作用、实施方式及实施范例。最后针对我国电力工业发展现状,对DSM的实施机制进行了初步探讨。 All the phenomena of electricity crisis and electricity shortage home and abroad, such as the California electricity crisis in 2000, the North America electricity blackout and consequent electricity blackouts in other countries, and the serious electricity shortage in the summer of 2004 in China, show that it is unreasonable to take the implementation of competitive market structure and operation mechanism at the power generation side as the focus of power industry deregulation, and these examples of electricity crisis and shortage also illustrate that the demand side management (DSM) is an important measure to ensure the efficient and sustainable development of power industry in a long term. Here, the origination, contents and development of DSM are briefly described, and it is emphasized that under the current environment of power industry reformation the evaluation system, incentive mechanism and implementation strategy for DSM should be updated and corresponding technical supporting system is urged. The contents and achievements of DSM program of International Energy Agency (IEA) in more than ten years are presented, especially the content, action, implementation means and practical applications of demand side bidding (DSB) are described in detail. Finally, according to the present development situation of domestic power industry the preliminary research on implementation mechanism of DSM is carried out.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期6-11,共6页 Power System Technology
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20040079002) 华北电力大学2003年度重大项目预研基金 香港特别行政区政府资助基金(RGC)联合资助项目
关键词 电力需求侧管理 电力系统 电网 电力工业 电力市场 市场结构 Competition Deregulation Electric industry Marketing Sustainable development
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