行政声明异议制度作为一个法律制度其价值是十分明显的 ,其实体上的价值包括对行政相对人权益的保护和对行政机关行政权威的维护两个方面。其程序上的价值是使行政救济制度有了最为方便的救济程序 ,是对整个救济程序的一个补充 ,且使原来类似于或者归属于司法程序的救济程序行政化 ,既补充了司法程序的不足 ,又对行政程序概念进行了适当延伸。行政声明异议的主体是行政相对人 ,对象是行政主体 ,标的是未进入实质阶段的行政行为。目前我国行政程序法和行政实体法尚无这一制度的规定 ,所以 ,应对我国设立行政声明异议制度的相关问题 ,尤其是技术问题予以探讨 。
The value of the administrative dissenting declaration system is obvious as a legal system. Its substantive value includes protection of private parties' rights and interests and maintenance of administrative organizations' authority. Its procedural value is to provide the administrative remedy system with the most convenient remedy procedure and to supplement the whole remedy procedures. The administrative dissenting declaration system can make some judicial remedy procedures administrative, which supplements insufficiency of judicial remedy procedures and extends appropriately the concept of the administrative procedure. What's more, the administrative procedural law and the administrative substantive law in our country don't prescribe the administrative dissenting declaration system. Thus, this article makes a systematical discussion on the concept, legal value and technique of establishment of the administrative dissenting declaration system in our country.
Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law