
建筑物顶部形状对街道峡谷内污染物扩散影响的研究 被引量:9

Study on impact of roof shape on pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon
摘要 应用数值模拟方法研究建筑物顶部形状对于街道峡谷内汽车排放污染物扩散的影响。研究发现 ,街道峡谷内漩涡的结构会随街道两侧建筑物顶部形状的不同发生变化 ,进而影响到街道峡谷内的污染物扩散。数值模拟结果与Rafailidis(1996 )等在德国汉堡大学的气象学院进行的风洞实验结果进行了对比 ,与风洞实验结果相符合。街道两侧建筑物顶部形状不同 ,峡谷内的污染物扩散规律不同 ,选择合适的建筑物顶部形状会对街道峡谷内的污染物扩散产生有益的效应 。 The objective of this study is to provide a numerical simulation of toxic emissions from vehicle exhausts in a street canyon within an urban environment. In particular, an investigation is made into the effect of different shapes of the roofs of nearby buildings. The configuration of vortex is different with the roof shape different, and the characteristics of pollutant dispersion are affected. The validation of the numerical model is evaluated using an extensive experimental database obtained from the atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel at the Meteorological Institute of Hamburg University, Germany (1996). The simulated results conform with wind tunnel date basically. The results give evidence that roof shape can be an important factor determining the flow patterns and pollutant dispersion in street canyon, the optimization of roof shape is benefit the dispersion of pollutant. The results will be helpful to establish an effective vehicle emission control strategies in city.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期108-113,共6页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
基金 通用中国发展与研究基金 (编号 40 1 2 2 2 0 1 )
关键词 街道峡谷 污染物扩散 机动车污染 汽车排放污染 风洞实验 漩涡 气象学 建筑物 Atmospherics Boundary layers Computer simulation Mathematical models Optimization Pollution Urban planning Wind tunnels
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