目的 :明确劳教场所警察与医务人员发生艾滋病职业暴露的危险因素及处理对策。方法 :采用目标人群访谈法 ,对艾滋病高发区 6个劳教所的 135名警察与医务人员进行调查。结果 :劳教所内存在大量的职业暴露危险因素 ,而劳教所缺乏必要的应对能力。 77 6 %的警察缺乏自我防护的基本知识 ,90 %以上的警察不知道如何得到应急药物。结论 :劳教所亟待加强艾滋病职业暴露相关教育与培训。
Objective: To investigate occupational risk factors of HIV infection f aced by police and healthcare workers working in the institutions of re-educat ion through labor administration and discuss preventive approaches against it. Methods: Key informants interview: 135 policemen and healthcare workers from 6 inst itutes located in different regions of high incidence of HIV infection were inve stigated. Results: Risk factors and high possibility of HIV infection existed in the institutes, and there were no adequate approaches and measurements of preve ntion adopted. 77.6% of the policemen were lack of the basic knowledge of self- protection and more than 90% did not know how to get medication for emergency. Conc lusion: Health education and training of prevention against HIV for pol ice and healthcare workers is required in the institutions of re-education throu gh labor administration.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence