Some core samples have been collected from the drilling holes in Junliangcheng and Lizhu-
angzi, which are both located at the mouth region of the Haihe River. We have carried ou ana-
lysis of lithological properties, microflssils (foraminifera, ostracoda), molluscs, 14C dating for
these samples. Based on these analyses, we have shown local relative sealevel changes and the
variations of environments of this area.
During the initial stage of the Early Holocene, this area was a fresh-water lake, marshy
low-land or alluviaI plain. In about 9245±210 Y. B. P., this area was submerged by sea transg-
ression. By 8000 Y. B. P., the submerged area ex panded because sealevel rose drastically and
this area became a part ot ancient Bohai Sea. Following the regression starting from about 7700
Y. B. P., a relative stable sealevel occurred during 7400-7000 Y. B. P., and the shell. bed was
formed in Biaokou. A large-scale transgression took place again during 6300-5800 Y. B. P.,
and this area was turned into an estuary. After that, there was regression again, the estuary redu-
ced in scope and changed into a marshy littoral plain during about 5400 Y. B. P.
Since 5000 Y. B. P. environmental variations have been connected with both climate and
sealevel fluctuation, as well as with the migration of the Yellow River. For example, this area
was turned into littoral plain during about 4200 Y. B. P., this event corresponded to the north-
ward movement of the Yellow River in 2278 B. C.
After comprehensive research, we set the lower limit of the Holocene at 12000 Y. B. P. The
Holocene epoch of this area can be divided into Early, Middle and Late Holocene. correspond-
ing to Lower, Middle and Upper Holocene Series. We can further divide Lower and Middle
Holocene series each into two sections: Upper section and Lower section. The conditions of
each section are arranged in Tab. 2, the Holocene stratigraphic division in the mouth region
of the Haihe River.
Acta Geographica Sinica
Sea-level fluctuation