
(药)铜165宫内节育器系统评估 被引量:3

Systematic Review of Medicated Copper Ring 165 IUD
摘要 目的:评价(药)铜165宫内节育器的有效性、副反应和可接受性,试图发现其与新型宫内节 育器使用效果的差别。方法:见本刊“我国常用口服避孕药和宫内节育器系统评估方法概述”(2005 年1期17页)。结果:与新型宫内节育器药铜γIUD、TCu220CIUD和MLCu375IUD相比,药铜165 IUD确实存在较高的脱落率和妊娠率;其续用率显著低于药铜γ和TCu220CIUD;其因症取出率高于 药铜γIUD,略低于TCu220CIUD。结论:新使用者不宜选用药铜165IUD,现用者不需取出药铜165 IUD,可继续使用。 Objective: To assess the efficacy, side-effects and acceptability of Medicated Copper Ring 165(MCR165) IUD and try to understand the differences between MCR165 IUD and modern intrauterine devices(IUDs). Methods: See 'Introduction of Methodology of Systematic Review of Commonly-Used Oral Contraceptives and IUDs in China'. Results: MCR165 IUD was associated with much higher expulsion rate, pregnancy rate due to unobserved expulsion compared with new IUDs, such as medicated Gamma IUD, TCu220C IUD and MLCu375 IUD. The continuation rate of MCR165 IUD was significantly lower than medicated Gamma IUD and TCu220C IUD at any time after insertion. The medical removal rate of MCR165 IUD was higher than medicated Gamma IUD and slightly lower than TCu220C IUD. Conclusion: The more effective IUDs rather than MCR165 IUD (and non-medicated CR165 IUD) should be suggested for new IUD users. However, it is not recommended to remove the MCR165 IUD (and non-medicated CR165 IUD) women currently using the device.
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 北大核心 2005年第3期158-161,共4页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
关键词 IUD 新型宫内节育器 取出 TCU220C 续用率 口服避孕药 副反应 使用效果 用药 妊娠率 Medicated Copper Ring 165 IUD Medicated Gamma IUD TCu220C IUD Expulsion rate Pregnancy rate
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