本文对20种鲤科鱼类的同工酶表型进行了分析比较。鲌亚科中存在几种不同的LDH同工酶表型,以各种LDH同工酶表型所组成的一些类群,反映出亚科水平中属间的亲缘关系。按同工酶的表型可将它们分为4个类群,这些类群的划分和进化趋异的过程是与经典的系统分类相一致的。按LDH同工酶表型的异同可将鲌亚科、密鲴亚科和鲢亚科的鱼类划分成两个主要的支系。一支鱼类是具有相同迁移率的LDH-A-4 同工酶,其中包括鲌亚科的多数鱼类,由LDH 同工酶的表型推断它们与雅罗鱼亚科有较密切的亲缘关系;另一支鱼类则是具有相同迁移率的 LDH-B_4 同工酶,其中包括密鲴亚科和链亚科的鱼类,结果表明这支鱼类与鲌亚科的亲缘关系比较密切。
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes of 20 species of Cyprinidae fish were analy-sed with disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In Cultrinae, there are several dif-ferent LDH isozyme phenotypes which reflect the intergeneric relationships in thesubfamily level. According to their isozymes phenotypes, we divide them into fourgroups, which show evolutionary divergence and well agree with the results of syste-matic studies based on their morphological and anatomical characteristics. While in fishes of Cultrinaz, Xenocyprininae and Hypophthalmichthyinae, thedifferences of LDH isozyme phenotypes may be classified into two primal branches.One branch contains most species of Cultrinae, they all show same electrophoreticmobility of LDH-A_4. isozyme. This character shows that the species of this branch areclosely related to those of Leuciscinae. The second branch consists of the species of Xe-nocyprininae and Hypophthalmichthyinae which show same electrophoretic mobility ofLDH-B_4 isozyme, this result indicates the close relationship between species of thisbranch and other species of Cultrinae.
Journal of Fisheries of China