
5个山药品种资源的农艺性状和营养品质比较 被引量:84

Comparison of the Agronomical Traits and Nutrient Quality among Five Yam Germplasms
摘要 对 4个山药栽培品种太谷山药、铁棍山药、花籽山药、日本白山药和 1个野生山药资源进行了农艺性状调查 ,结果表明 ,花籽山药生长势强 ,产量最高 ;其次是日本白山药 ;太谷山药生长势和产量水平中等 ;嵩县野山药产量水平居中等 ,生长势强 ;铁棍山药生长势较弱 ,产量水平最低。营养品质测定结果表明 ,铁棍山药的可溶性总糖、淀粉、粗蛋白质、必需氨基酸和总氨基酸含量均表现最高 ,分别比其他 4个品种高 12 .8%~ 2 96 .8% ,5 9.7%~ 85 .8% ,5 5 .4 %~ 10 8.7% ,114 .3%~2 0 8.8% ,74 .8%~ 135 .7% ,品质最好 ,且含水量最低 (71.8% ) ;太谷山药的淀粉、粗蛋白质、必需氨基酸和总氨基酸含量略高于日本白山药、花籽山药和嵩县野山药 ,但可溶性总糖含量最低。因此 ,可利用上述品种资源的优良性状 ,采用常规杂交和细胞工程技术 ,对现有的栽培品种进行改良 ,以选育出优质、高产、抗病的山药新品种。 Investigation on the agronomical traits among four yam cultivars and a wild yam. The result showed that Huazi yam grew most vigorously with highest yield,and second by Japanese white yam.Taigu yam grew moderately.Songxian wild yam grew vigorously with the same yield level as Taigu yam.Tiegun yam was the least,demonstrating poor growth potential. Analysis of nutrient quality indicated that the content of total soluble sugar, starch, crude protein, essential amino acid, total amino acid in Tiegun yam were higher than other four germplasms with rate of 12.8%-296.8%,59.7%-85.8%,55.4%- 108.7%,114.3%-208.8% and 74.8%-135.7% respectively. And the content of water in Tiegun yam was the least (71.8%). The latter four measurements in Taigu yam were slightly higher than Japanese white yam, Huazi yam and Songxian wild yam,but its total soluble suger was least.So these yam germplasms with good traits can be used in improvement of the growing yam cultivars to breed new variety with high quality, yield and resistance by conventional hybridization and cell engineering.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期58-60,共3页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 河南省重大科技项目 (0 12 2 0 30 90 0 ) 河南省自然科学基金项目 (0 3110 3180 0 )
关键词 山药 品种资源 农艺性状 营养品质 Yam Germplasms Agronomical traits Nutrient quality
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