我国课程创新本着“全球视野 ,本土行动”的准则 ,致力于一系列课程教学概念的重建 ,卓有成效地介入我国基础教育课程改革实践 ,并从实践层面不断汲取鲜活的经验。本文主要围绕“知识”、“学习”、“课堂文化”等概念作一辨析 ,借以澄清制约我国课程创新的若干模糊认识。
Based on the principle of “global perspective and local action”, the current C hinese curriculum innovation aims at redefining a series of basic concepts conce rning curriculum and instruction, effectively enriching the basic education curr iculum reform, and continuously drawing fresh experiences from actual practice. This paper gives an in-depth analysis of such concepts as “knowledge”, “lear n ing” and “classroom culture”, in order to clarify some vague understanding th at has been constraining China's curriculum reform from making challenging innov ations.
Peking University Education Review