The comparative studies on the ecological characteristics of plateau-type and mountain-valley-type Tibetan goats such as tody furmation,hair coat,skin,disscction,physiology and biochemcalgenetical marker,etc. indicate that as for the plateau-type Tibetan goats, their body size is greater,thestaple is longer,he number of secondary fullicle in per unit area of skin is more,the yield of fine hairis higher,and the development of the trachea ,lung and heart is better compared with those of themountain-valley-type Tibetan goats. The RBC and WBC as well as the content of Hb in the former arehigher than those in the latter,but the rectal temperature and skin surface temperature of the formerare lower than those of the latter.The electrophoresis of Hb,ALb and Am in goats of both types showthat there is only one phenotype, and they have no polymorphism, The Tf of plateau-type goats hasthree-genotypes(AA , AB and BB ),and that of mountion-valley-type goats has two genutypes(AA,AB). The differences of gene frequencies of Tf in goats of both are insignificant(P>0.05).The AKPof goats of both types has two genotypes(AKPF and AKPO).The difference of gene frequency ofAKP in two types is insignificant(P>0. 05 ).The Es in both types has polymorphism. It could bedivided into three zones(Es-Ⅰ,Es-Ⅱ and Es-Ⅲ), the differences of Es zones between goats of bothtypes are significant(P<0. 05 or P<0. 01).The LDH uf goats of both types could be divided into fivezones,the activity sequence of LDH is LDH_1>LDN_3>LDN_2>LDH_5>LDH_4;the differences ofactlvity of LDH_1 and LDH_2 between the eculogical types are very slgnificant(P<0.01) , that of LDH_3 issignificant(P< 0. 05)and those of LDH_4, LDH_5 are insignificant(P<0. 05 ).The average geneticheterozygcaity of five loci(Hb , Tf, ALb , AKP and Am)of the plateautype goat is 0.0956,and theaverage genetic homogeneity is 0. 9 044,and those of the mountuin-valley-type goats are 0.0675 and0.9325 respectively.
Journal of Southwest Nationalities College(Natural Science Edition)
plateau type,mountain-valley type,Tibetan goat,ecological characteristics