日本煤综合利用中心和日本钢铁联盟于1994 年至2003 年共同进行了长达10 年之久的新一代炼焦工艺———SCOPE21(21世纪高生产率环保型超级炼焦炉)的开发研究。半工业性工厂至2003 年3 月按计划已成功操作大约1年时间。同时,SCOPE21工艺的设计概念已得到验证,取得了用于工业化生产设备设计所需的工艺技术数据。而且,根据取得的结果,完成了项目的可行性研究。
Development of the innovative cokemaking process, SCOPE21 (Super Coke Oven for Productivity and Environment enhancement toward the 21 st century), had been conducted by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF) and the Center for Coal Utilization Japan (CCUJ). It had been performed from 1994 to 2003 as a ten-year research program. The pilot plant was successfully operated on schedule for about one year until March 2003. The concepts of the SCOPE21 process were verified and the engineering data for designing a commercial plant were collected at the same time. Furthermore, the feasibility study was executed according to the results.
China Metallurgy