目的 探讨黄芪活性成分黄芪甲甙对病毒性心肌炎 (VM)小鼠心肌柯萨奇 腺病毒受体 (CAR)基因表达影响。方法 Balb/c小鼠 1 0 0只 ,分为 6组。非感染小鼠腹腔无菌注射病毒培养液 ,分为正常对照组 (A组 ,1 0只 ,以羧甲基纤维素钠 0 .1mL灌胃 7d)、9%黄芪甲甙对照组 (B组 ,1 0只 ,9%黄芪甲甙 0 .1mL灌胃 7d) ;余 80只小鼠以柯萨奇病毒 (CVB3)腹腔无菌注射制作病毒性心肌炎模型 ,VM小鼠随机分为心肌炎对照组和 1 %、3 %、9%黄芪甲甙干预心肌炎组 ,分别以生理盐水、1 %、3 %、9%黄芪甲甙 0 .1mL灌胃 7d(分别为C、D、E、F组 ,每组 2 0只 )。 1 4d后处死一小部分鼠并取其心脏。采用RT PCR检测心肌CARmRNA表达水平。结果 F组小鼠死亡率较C组明显降低 (1 0 %与 45 %比较 ) ,(χ2 =6 .1 4 P <0 .0 5) ,B组无小鼠死亡 ;与C组相比较 ,CARmRNA表达水平以心肌病变积分在F组显著下降 ,而 1 %、3 %黄芪甲甙对心肌炎小鼠CARmRNA表达及心肌病变积分无明显影响。结论 9%黄芪甲甙可抑制CAR表达 ,提高心肌炎小鼠生存率 ,减轻心肌损害 ,安全有效 ,对VM有良好的治疗作用。
Objective To investigate the effect of astragaloside on myocardial coxsackie-adenovirus receptor(CAR)gene expression, one of the active components of astragalus membranaceus,in coxsackievirus B(CVB_3)inducing murine myocarditis model. Methods One hundred Balb/c mice were randomly divided into 6 groups.Group A[n=10,treated with carboxymethycellulose(CMC) 0.1 mL,intragastric administration(ig),for 1 week]was served as normal controls and group B(n=10,treated with 9% astragaloside 0.1 mL,ig, for 1 week)as treatment controls. The other eighty infected animals treated with CMC and 1%,3%,9% astragaloside 0.1 mL,ig,for 1 week(n=20 in each group)were served as group C,D,E,F. The mice were killed and their hearts were removed after 14 days. The expression levels of CAR mRNA in myocardium were examined by RT-PCR.Results The mortality was significantly reduced in 9% astragaloside treated infected animals that was 10% vs 45% in group C(χ2=6.14 P<0.05). In uninfected animals, 9% astragaloside did not cause any death. The expression levels of CAR mRNA and myocardial histopathologic scores were significantly lower in group F than those in group C. However, the CAR expression and myocardial histopathologic scores were not affected by 1% and 3% astragaloside.Conclusions Findings showed that 9% astragaloside could inhibit CAR expression, improve survival rate and reduce myocardial lesion. It may be an effective drug for viral myocarditis.
Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
国家自然科学基金资助 (30 2 71 665)