
致使概念的认知观 被引量:18

A Cognitive Perspective on the Study of Causatives
摘要 对致使概念的传统研究多受分解语义学的影响,后来的生成语义学说解释了致使概念的生成转化过程,但仍然停留在句法上。随着近年来认知语言学的发展,致使概念认知观的产生不可避免。从认知语言学来看,致使结构拥有认知动觉基础,有着与世界动态事件象似的动因,有着施力图式的产生可能,也有着心理空间概念合成的内在因素。如果从原型理论来分析致使概念中众多的致使词语,也许会有更多新的发现。 Conventional studies on causatives have mostly been under the influence of componential semantics. Based on the syntactic level, the generative semantics has also provided a way to interpret the generation of causatives. With the development of cognitive linguistics, it is inevitable to study the phenomenon of causatives from a cognitive approach, which can be presented as follows: perceptual base of motion, iconicity, force schema and concept blending theories. The prototype theory will also facilitate the study of many causative forms in language.
作者 梁晓波 孙亚
机构地区 复旦大学外文系
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第4期38-45,共8页 Journal of Foreign Languages
关键词 致使概念 象似性 图式 概念整合 分解语义学 生成语义学 句法 认知语言学 英语 concept of causative cognitive iconicity schema concept blending
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