
葡萄糖氧化酶法去除蛋清中葡萄糖的工艺研究 被引量:13

Study on Removal of Glucose in Egg White by Glucose Oxidase
摘要 脱糖处理是干燥蛋白制品加工中的必要步骤 ,文中采用葡萄糖氧化酶 (GOD)法对蛋清的脱糖工艺进行了探讨。实验中采用酶 比色法测定葡萄糖含量 ,通过单因素试验分析了时间、pH、温度等参数对脱糖率的影响 ,并采用二次响应面法分析了GOD和双氧水的交互作用 ,确定了GOD法脱糖的最优工艺条件为 :GOD酶制剂添加量 92 . 3g/t(蛋清 )、每小时加入 7%双氧水 3. 5 g/kg(蛋清 ) ,反应体系pH5 5~ 7 0 ,温度 2 0~ 30℃ ,反应时间 2h。在此工艺条件下脱糖率达到 95 %以上 ,可以有效防止干燥蛋白制品生产和储藏中美拉德反应的发生。另外 ,文中还进一步比较了脱糖前后蛋清的性质 ,发现GOD脱糖可以保持并部分提高蛋清原有的功能性质 ,还能够改善蛋清的气味和流动性质。 It is necessary to remove glucose in dried egg white (DEW) processing. The optimum conditions for desugarization of egg white (EW) with Glucose oxidase (GOD) were studied and discussed in this paper. The enzyme-colorimetric method was applied to glucose analyses in our experiment. The parameters including time, pH and temperature were studied in this paper by the method of single-factor experiment.The interaction between GOD and hydrogen peroxide (H_2O_2) was also studied by the response surface methodology. The optimum parameters were established as follows: 92.3 g GOD/tEW, 3.5% hydrogen peroxide/h (concentration 7%), temperature 20~30℃, pH 5.5~7.0, and incubation time 2h. Under these conditions more than 95% glucose in EW could be removed and the Maillard reaction during process and storage of DEW would be suppressed effectively. We compared the characteristics of the native EW and the desugarized EW and found that the desugarized EW maintained its initial functional characteristics with better smell and mobility than the native EW.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期55-58,共4页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 蛋清 葡萄糖氧化酶法 蛋白 葡萄糖含量 工艺研究 双氧水 比色法测定 分提 美拉德反应 功能性质 egg white, glucose oxidase, desugarization, characteristics
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