
五倍子水提取物抑制LPS对牙周膜细胞附着牙骨质片表面的影响 被引量:5

The effects of gallnut water extract on the attachment of PDLC inhibited by LPS on the slices of cement
摘要 目的观察五倍子水提取物对LPS抑制PDLC在牙骨质片表面附着的影响。方法采用细胞培养技术,细胞计数法及扫描电镜进行观察。结果加入五倍子水提取物溶液后,对LPS抑制PDLC在牙骨质片表面的附着有明显拮抗作用,该作用随五倍子水提取物浓度增加而增加,到10μg/mL时,达到峰值。另外,培养液中先加入不同浓度的五倍子水提取物溶液,培养24h后再加入LPS时(A组),与LPS和五倍子水提取物溶液同时加入组(B组)相比,除对LPS抑制PDLC在牙骨质片表面附着有同样拮抗趋势外,当五倍子水提取物浓度为10μg/mL、20μg/mL时,A组的细胞附着数明显高于B组。扫描电镜显示,A组与B组牙骨质片表面细胞数量较多,细胞形态丰满,细胞胞突伸展明显,并相互交织成栅栏状、网状结构,部分细胞呈叠层生长,其中A组效果更明显。结论五倍子水提取物对LPS抑制PDLC在牙骨质片表面附着有拮抗和保护作用。 AIM:To observe the effects of gallnut water extract on the attachment of human PDLC inhibited by LPS on the slices of cement.METHODS:The cell culture technique,cell counting and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used.RESULTS:We found that contrasting to the control group,LPS group had inhibitory effects on attachment of PDLC on the slices of cement in vitro in 10 μg/mL.The results of cell counting and SEM showed that the number of cells attached to root slices deceased and the extension of cells became inadequate.The effects could greatly improve after adding gallnut water extract.Gallnut water extract was divided into A group (adding gallnut water extract before LPS).and B group (adding them at the same time) and both of them could increase attachment of PDLC on the slices of cement in vitro,especially the former.CONCLUSION:Gallnut water extract has protective effects on the attachment of human PDLC on the slices of cement inhibited by LPS. [
出处 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》 CAS 2005年第3期136-139,共4页 Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry
关键词 五倍子水提取物 内毒素 人牙周膜细胞 牙骨质 gallnut water extract PDLC LPS cement
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