
582例住院患者应用5种广谱高值抗感染药物成本分析 被引量:16

Utilization and Cost Analysis of 582 Cases Using Expensive Antibiotics
摘要 目的 了解第四代头孢菌素类、碳青酶烯类等广谱高值抗感染药物的临床应用。方法 采用回顾性调查 方法,自军卫1号系统提取2002年10月-2003年9月期间应用头孢吡肟、氟氧头孢、亚胺培南/西司他丁、美罗 培南的病例,随机抽样查阅病历共582例,分析其药物利用及成本消耗情况。结果抽样病历中治疗用药384 例,有效率为61.20%;预防用药186例,有效率为91.94%;肿瘤患者化疗期间预防用药12例,有效率为 83.33%;氟氧头孢预防用药比例较高,65%;头孢吡肟具有较好的疗效成本比。结论选用第四代头孢菌素类、 碳青酶烯类广谱高值抗菌药物,需要适度掌握治疗用药时间,严格控制预防用药。 OBJECTIVE To know about the conditions of utilization and the cost of the fourth generation cephalosporins and carbapenems. METHODS These drugs were analyzed by using retrospective analytic technique in 582 patients from Sept 2002 to Oct 2003. RESULTS The efficacious rate was 61. 20% (384 cases) for therapy, 83. 33% (186 cases) for prevention, and 83. 33% (12 cases) for tumor patients during using chemical therapeutics. The most unreasonable use was that the time was too long. Flomoxef for prevention was 65%. Meropenem had the best effect/cost tatio than the others. CONCLUSIONS It suggested that the utilization of the four kinds of antibiotics need under control. There are also some problems to be improved about the duration of utilization.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期323-326,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 头孢吡肟 氟氧头孢 亚胺培南/西司他丁 美罗培南 感染 药物利用 成本 Cefepime Flomoxef Imipenem/cilastatin Meropenem Infection Drug utilization Cost
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