
重评科举制度——废科举百年反思 被引量:20

Reflections upon the Centennial Abolition of the Imperial Examination System
摘要 科举制并非像现代人们的印象那么黑暗,以往人们的对科举制的了解和认识既不全面也不客观,因此有必要重新评价。今人对科举制的偏见,多是囿于清末人士对它的否定评价。其实古代不少文化名人也曾称赞过科举,从隋唐至明清,许多人将科举考试看成是一种"至公"的制度。为科举制平反,在当代中国学术界已成为一股思潮。对科举制的研究有助于认识中国社会的特性和传统文化的命运,并为现实的考试制度改革提供历史借鉴。 The imperial examination system in history was not so dark as what it is thought of by the modern people. Therefore, it is necessary to reappraise this system because of the incomplete and non-objective understanding and knowledge of it in the past. The prejudice today comes from the negative attitude towards it prevailing in the late Qinng Dynasty. In fact, many famous scholars in history, from the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, praised this system, and many of them regarded this system as 'the most fair' one. To redress this system has already become an ideological trend in the contemporary Chinese academia. A study of this system is beneficial for our better understanding of the characteristics of Chinese society and the destiny of Chinese traditional culture. At the same time, we can draw a historical lesson from it for the present examination reform.
作者 刘海峰
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期5-12,19,共9页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
基金 全国教育考试"十五"科研课题(教试中心44号)
关键词 科举制度 考试 八股文 the imperial examination system, examination, stereotyped writing
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