
不同收获期对山药产量及品质的影响 被引量:9

The Effect on Yield and Quality of Chinese Yam in Different Harvesed Phases
摘要 以华北地区3个主栽品种怀山药、大和黑皮、太谷山药为试材,研究4个收获期对山药产量及品质的影响。结果表明:1.同一品种,8月25日收获的产量最低,明显低于9月25日、10月25日和11月25日所收获的产量(P<0.05),而后3期收获的产量同一品种无显著性差异(P>0.05);2.同一品种,后2期收获的块茎含水率显著低于前2期(P<0.05),粗蛋白则显著高于前2期(P<0.05);3.第4期收获的块茎的粘度显著高于前2期(P<0.05)。4.大和黑皮山药块茎的锌、锰元素以第4期收获的含量最高,显著高于前2期(P<0.05);其余2个品种的锌、锰含量在不同收获期无显著差异(P>0.05)。总体来看,收获期以第3期、第4期为佳,其中以第4期收获的产量和品质最佳。 We investigated the effect of 4 harvesed dates on the yield and quality of three main cultivars (Huai yam, Dahe yam, Taigu yam) of Chinese yams (Dioscorea opposita Thunb.) in northern China.The results showed that:(1) In the same cultivar,the tuber yield of yam harvested on 25^(th) August was significantly lower than those harvested on 25th September, 25^(th) October and 25^(th) November (P<0.05) while there were no significant differences among the last three harvesed phases;(P>0.05)(2) In the same cultivar,the water contents of yam tuber harvested on 25^(th)August and 25^(th) September were significantly higher than those harvested on 25^(th) October and 25^(th) November (P<0.05),but the crude protein contents were opposite (P<0.05);(3) the yam tuber harvested on 25^(th) November was much more gummy than those harvested on 25^(th) September and 25^(th) October (P<0.05);(4) In Dahe yam,the content of zinc and manganese in yam tuber harvested on 25^(th) November was much higher than that harvested on 25^(th) September and 25^(th) October (P<0.05).In other cultivars, the contents of zinc and manganese in yam tuber were not obviously different across four harvesed dates (P>0.05).In summary,the best harvesting time is between 25^(th) October and early November for better yield and quality of yam tuber.
出处 《特产研究》 2005年第1期1-4,共4页 Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(49801013) 农业部农业结构调整重大技术研究项目(04-06-02B)。
关键词 收获期 产量 怀山药 品种 品质 黑皮 块茎 影响 含量 锰元素 Chinese yam harvesed phase yield quality
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