A new stress function G and displacement function Q are presented for the plane problems ofcylindrical anisotropic elasticity. The fundamental equations of the plane problems of cylindrical elas-ticity are adapted so that the new linear partial differential operators with constant coefficient becomean exchangeable ring for multiplication and addition. Thus the fundamental equations can be rewrittenas this form : AX= 0 where A is an operator matrix and X is the vector consists of stress and displace-ment component. Then , based on the theory of linear algebra,the displacement function Q can be ob-tained which satisfies a governing equation of a four order partial differential equation. At the sametime, after adequately conforming the equilibrium equation, we obtain the new stress function G,which satisfies the same governing equation as the one of the displacement function Q. The governingequation is simplier than the governing equation of the stress function F in the reference [1]. Thus,the particular solution to this sovernins equation is easier to get and P is equivalent to rG.After thoroughly study of the governing equation , we obtain a series of particular solutions ofboth separation variable and non-separable variable. By taking these particular solutions into applica-tion, we sucessfully resolve several classic problems including an infinite plane under a concentratedforce, a wedge under a concentrated force , an orthotropic curved bar under a load of sine or cosinedistribution. Both the displacement and stress components of these classic problems are presented here. In this article . the displacement function Q can be used to solve the problems of mixed boundaryvalues (both loads and constraints). In the previous papor[3-6] the displacement function of theplane problems of rectilinearity anisotropic elasticity has been presented , but, there is no direct appli-cation of ttiat function.
Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
elasticity ,stress function ,displacement function ,cylindrical anisotropic .