
灰色关联分析在洁净室综合评定中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Grey-Related Analysis in Comprehensive Performance Judgment of Clean Room
摘要 目的 探索洁净室综合性能评定的方法,使各洁净室的检测数据具有科学性和可比性。方法 收集了1999~2 0 0 3年杭州市疾病预防控制中心对46家企业、医院、科研单位2 2 3个洁净室尘埃粒子数、沉降菌、风速、噪声、照度、静压差、温度和相对湿度等8项指标的监测数据,应用灰色关联法分别从级别、类别和年度三方面进行归类分析,依据求得的关联度进行综合性能质量优劣的评定。结果 各级别中百级最优,医院为各类别中最佳,各年度中2 0 0 3年最好。结论 灰色关联分析是一种较为准确。 Objective To explore the method for comprehensive performance judgment of clean room so as to obtain scientific and constant experimental data from every clean room. Methods The data including 8 indexes toward the airborne particles, settling microbe, wind speed, noise, illumination, difference of air pressure, temperature and relative humidity, were collected from 223 clean rooms in 46 enterprises, hospitals and scientific research centers, which were tested by the center for disease prevention and control of Hangzhou city from 1999 to 2003. From the three aspects of the grade, category and surveillance year, the data were analyzed by grey-related analysis to judge its comprehensive performance. Results The Grade 100 was the best in all levels, the hospitals in all categories and 2003 in all years. Conclusions Grey-related analysis is an accurate and practical method for comprehensive evaluation.
出处 《浙江预防医学》 2005年第4期14-16,共3页 Zhejiang Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 灰色关联分析 洁净室 评定 综合性能评定 Grey-related analysis Clean room Judgment
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