The special position that the ethnic minority a reas in the Si chuan Province are located around the sources of the Huanghe River and the Yangt ze River decides that these areas have to take the administration of the ecologi cal environment as their aim and orientation in the large-scale development of C hina's west. Starting from such a special position occupied by the ethnic mi nority areas in Sichuan Province, this article analyses the influence of the cha nge of position of these areas in the division of work of the State's economic r eligions upon the ethnic minority areas in Sichuan, points out that the orientat ion of development for the ethnic minority areas in Sichuan should strive for co nstructi ng and establishing the system of ecological economy, and puts forward the propo sal that the public ecological products produced in the ethnic minority areas in Sichuan should be priced and the payment way for the public ecological products should also be established.
Ethno-National Studies