逮捕制度 ,作为刑事侦查活动的重要组成部分 ,其变化既构成了英国刑事侦查制度变革的重要内容 ,同时 ,也鲜明地体现着英国刑事侦查制度的改革方向和变革幅度。以英国逮捕制度为焦点 ,围绕英国《1 984年警察与刑事证据法》关于警察逮捕权规定 ,近年来英国逮捕制度的新发展可归纳为以下三个方面 :警察无证逮捕权的一般化 ;为了询问而(无证 )逮捕的合法化 ;警察无证逮捕权司法控制机制的弱化。
The change in arrest system,an important component of criminal investigation,not only constitutes the important content of criminal investigation reform,but also clearly represents the orientation and the extent of the reform.Focusing on arrest system in English and centering on the provisions related to arresting power of the police in the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984,the recent development of police power of arrest to the following three parts:the generalization of police power of summary arrest;the legalization of(summary)arrest with intention to interrogation;the mitigation of judicial control of police power of arrest.
Journal of National Prosecutors College