

The Economic Development Way being Fit for Chongqing'Practice
摘要 重庆经济要后来居上 ,尽快缩短与发达地区的差距 ,必须从实际出发 ,走符合自身特点的不平衡协调发展之路 ,发展特色经济 ,实现可持续发展。 If Chongqing wants its economy to surpass the formers and narrow the gap between itself and the developed regions, it must practically develop the characteristic economy according to its feature, take a way of sustainable growth and a way of developing evenly and harmoniously.
作者 余敏 张友鹏
机构地区 重庆市审计局
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第2期8-11,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 重庆经济 实际 发展道路 Chongqing's economy practice development way
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