

Deng Xiaoping's Social Development Thought's Transcendency over the Western Modern Development Theory
摘要 当代西方发展理论按照各国启动现代化的时序将现代化分为早发式与后发式两大类 ,后发式现代化是被动的、依附于发达国家的、与精神因素无涉的、外行式发展的现代化 ,因而只能全面仿效和全盘接受西方的早发模式。邓小平从中国的实际出发 ,把我国的社会发展与世界性现代化浪潮结合起来 ,创造性地提出了“内生式主动型”的中国式现代化发展理论 ,从而丰富了马克思主义的社会发展理论宝库 ,开创了一条经济文化比较落后国家的发展现代化的道路。 According to western development theory in the contemporary, modernization falls into the two categories of predevelopment and postdevelopment in sequence of the starting time in different countries,and the postdevelopmental modernization is passive, dependent on developed countries, unrelated to spirtual factors and extra-evolutional, thus we having no choice but to follow and accept the western predevelopment mode. Deng Xiaoping, however, combining China's soicial development with the worldwide waves of modernization, based on Chinese reality, put forward the intro-evolutional active mode of modernization development theory with characteristic of China,which enriches the theoretical treasure of Marxist social development and opens a way to modernization in the countries backward in both economy and culture.
作者 梅传声
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第4期349-352,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 邓小平 社会发展理论 西方 现代发展理论 Deng Xiaoping social development theory western modern development theory
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  • 1.邓小平文选(第3卷)[M].北京:人民出版社,1993..
  • 2十一届三中全会以来重要文献选编[M].北京:人民出版社,1982.


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