
经营因素对2代3年生杉木林生长的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Management Factors on the Growth of 3-year-old, Second-rotati on Chinese Fir Plantations
摘要 通过建立固定标准地,研究福建南平峡阳国有林场一片29年生、20地位指数级的第1代杉木人工林采伐前的林分密度和采伐后的立地管理措施对第2代3年生杉木林分生长的影响。结果表明:第1代杉木人工林的林分密度对2代3年生杉木林分的生长有极显著影响。最高密度等级(1 500株·hm-2以上)的第1代杉木林在采伐后营造的第2代杉木林,其3年生的生长量为最低;采伐后的立地管理措施对2代3年生杉木林分生长的影响不显著;第1代杉木林较高的林分密度可能对人工林长期生产力的维持不利。 The effects of the stand density of a 29-year-old, first-rotation (site index cl ass 20) Chinese fir plantation before felling and site management after felling on the growth of 3-year-old, second-rotation Chinese fir plantation in Xiayang S tate Forest Farm of Nanping, Fujian Province, were investigated by permanent plo t samplings. The results showed that stand density of the first-rotation Chinese fir plantation had highly significant effects on the growth of 3-year-old, seco nd-rotation Chinese fir plantation. Growth rate of 3-year-old, second-rotation C hinese fir plantation were significantly lower in the plots with highest level o f stand density (over 1500stem·hm -2 ) of the first-rotation Chinese fi r than those in the plots with lower levels of stand density. Site management fa ctors after felling had no significant effects on the growth of 3-year-old, seco nd-rotation Chinese fir plantation. High stand density of the first-rotation Chi nese fir was probably a disadvantage to maintain the long-term productivity of p lantations.
作者 连华森
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期4-5,17,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 CAF/IDRC/CIFOR国际合作项目REDFOL专题"中国杉木人工林多代经营立地管理与生产力研究" 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(39630240)。
关键词 杉木 2代 林分密度 立地管理 生长 Chinese fir Second rotation Stand density Sit e management Growth
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