通过对学校体育教育思想的研讨 ,树立新的体育观和人才观 ;主要通过对文献资料的查阅进行研究 ;2 1世纪 ,我国学校体育教育思想将发生深刻的变化 ,培养学生个性及创新能力、终身体育教育将起主导作用。学校体育教育思想的变化 ,必将促进高校认真思考体育师资培养的目标、方向 ,选择适应培养 2
New concepts of physical education and talents are proposed to set up based on discussion and research on school educational ideology. The research is based on reference to literature and documents. The result shows profound changes will take place in educational ideology of physical training at school in the 21st century; fostering the personality and creative ability of students will be stressed and the idea of life-long physical educational ideas will be dominant. The changes on the educational ideology must encourge us to think the aims and directions for the training of physical educational teachers at school. Choices should be made concerning educational and teaching methods to suit the idea of training new type of physical education teachers at school in the 21st century.
Sports Science Research