
用复小波提取变压器局放脉冲信号特征的研究 被引量:11

Study on Feature Extraction from Pulse Waveform of PD in Transform Using Complex Wavelet
摘要 研究目的是分析局放信号与其干扰的相位信息特征 ,并以复小波作工具将局放信号特征从强干扰中提取出来。在已有文献研究结果的基础上 ,采用仿真与实验相结合的办法 ,先将时域正交紧支实小波生成正交紧支复小波 ,来研究复小波提取信号信息特征的特点 ,然后利用新生成的复小波的分析结果构造了十种新的、可供选择的综合信息 ,用于局部放电信号分析。研究结果表明 :在提取局部放电信号特征时 ,采用复小波的分析方法 ,能够更全面、更详细地获得原信号特征信息 ;选用所介绍的、合适的综合信息 ,既可对强干扰信号进行抑制 ,又可对局部放电信号进行特征提取 ,实测其效果比实小波分析好。 It is to analyze the phase information of partial discharge signal and its disturbance, and to extract the feature of partial discharge by using complex wavelet. The thesis, based on existing researches, tries to explain our research to design complex compactly supported biorthogonal wavelets by real compactly supported biorthogonal wavelets, and then explore the features of the extraction of partial discharge signal based on complex wavelets obtaining the general particular feature information from original signal, and finally propose ten novel complex information by combining the results of complex wavelet transform to analyze PD signal. The research demonstrates that complex wavelets are more superior to original real wavelets in identifying partial discharge signal, and that simulated applications and the data from laboratory can guarantee the effectiveness of the extraction of the feature of partial discharge and the restraint of the strong carrier disturbance.
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期199-201,220,共4页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 重庆大学骨干教师资助计划项目
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