
健脾开胃汤治疗厌食症的临床研究 被引量:11

Clinical Studies on Treating Anorexy with Decoction for nvigorating the Spleen and Incrcasing Appetite
摘要 用健脾开胃汤观察治疗60例厌食患儿,并测定某些生理指标。结果表明:治疗前厌食症患儿体重、血红蛋白、尿淀粉酶、D—木糖排泄率、头发中微量元素Zn、Fe、Mn的含量均较低,而发中Cu的含量偏高。治疗后,除Cu含量有所下降外,其余各项指标均明显升高。经统计分析,治疗前后差异非常显著,说明健脾开胃汤能多方面调节机体的功能,对厌食症有较好的治疗作用。 The 60 cases of chudren with anorexy have been treated with decoction forinvigorating the spleen and increasing appetite, and some of their physiological index havebeen determined.The result has shown that before the treatment the patients sufferedunderweight,showing low index in hemoglobin, urine diastase,xylose D excretion rate, thetrace elements such as Zn,Fe,Mn contained in hairs were also low with Cu a bit too high. Af-ter the treatment,every physiological index has gone up while the content of Cu gone down.The statistical analvsis has indicated there is amarkbale difference before and after treatment,which shows anorexy could be better treated by the Decoction for invigorating the spleen andincreasing appetite through it's function of regulating body's action in many ways.
作者 陈辉
机构地区 昆明市中医医院
出处 《云南中医学院学报》 1994年第3期18-21,共4页 Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 厌食 中医药疗法 健脾开胃汤 儿童 Children with Anorexy/TCM Treatment Decoction for Invigoratingthe Spleen and Increasing Appetite
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  • 1赵建宗.增食饮治疗小儿厌食症152例[J]陕西中医,1989(10).




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