目的:研究重组人生长激素(rhGH)对实验性梗阻性黄疸(OJ)肝细胞增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)表达的影响,以证实rhGH促OJ肝细胞再生的作用。方法:健康雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为假手术阴性对照组(A组) ,OJ阳性对照组(B组) ,OJ +rhGH实验组(C组)。B组、C组建立OJ模型,C组应用rhGH进行干预。观察各组肝细胞形态学改变,检测白蛋白(ALB) ,谷丙转氨酶(ALT) ,肝细胞PCNA表达水平,进行对照分析。结果:与A组相比,B组ALB明显下降,ALT明显升高(P <0. 0 1 ) ;与B组相比,C组ALB明显升高,ALT明显下降(P <0.0 1 )。肝组织形态学方面,A组为正常肝脏结构;B组肝细胞局灶性坏死;C组肝组织较B组损害减轻。PCNA标记指数B组较A组显著升高;C组较B组显著升高(P <0 .0 1 )。结论:rhGH能提高实验性OJ受损肝细胞PCNA表达水平,促进肝细胞再生。
Objective:To investigate the effect of somatotrophin on hepatocyte proliferative cell nuclear antigen(PCNA)expression in experimental obstructive jaundice(OJ).To comfirmate the role of somatotrophin in OJ hepatocyte regeneration.Methods:Adult male wistar rats were divided into three groups randomly.Sham operation in group A,OJ in group B,OJ +rhGH in group C.The rats group B and group C build up OJ model.The rats group C were injected with recombinant growth hormone(rhGH).The change of hepatocyte morphology was observed.ALB?ALT and the level of PCNA expression was detected.Results:Group B compared with group A.ALB decreased,ALT and PCNA expression increased(P<0.01).Group C compared with group B.ALT decreased,ALB and PCNA expression increased(P<0.01).Under light microscope in the tissue section the formation of liver was normal in group A.The focal necrosis of hepatocyte can be seen in group B.The damage of liver in group C was lighter than that in group B.Conclusions:rhGH can effectively improve the level of PCNA expression,accelerate hepatocyte regeneration and protect liver function.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry