研究在醋酸介质中 ,在表面活性剂阿拉伯树胶 (AG)存在下 ,铌与硫氰酸盐和丁基罗丹明 B(BRB)生成紫红色离子络合物的显色反应条件 ,并考察近 30种共存离子对体系的影响。结果表明 ,络合物最大吸收波长在5 70 nm,表观摩尔吸收系数ε570 =7.5 9× 10 5L· mol- 1 · cm- 1 ,相关系数 r =0 .9980 ,铌的质量浓度在 0~ 0 .2 4mg/ L 范围内符合比尔定律。当采用盐酸羟胺、H2 O2 和 EDTA掩蔽剂时 ,多数离子对体系不干扰。本方法用于矿样中铌的测定 ,结果与标准值相符 ,6次测定的 RSD小于 4 .3% ,加标回收率为 95 %~ 10 4 %。
In the present of AG,niobium reacted with hiocyanate and Butyl Rhodamine B to forms a stable ion-associated complex.The maximum absorption of the complex is at 570 nm with molar absorptivity of 7.59×10~5L·mol~ -1·cm~ -1.Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 0~0.24 mg/L for Nb(Ⅴ).The interference effect from nearly 30 coexistent ions were studied and the results showed that the interference of coexistent ions were small when hydroxylamine hydrochloride and EDTA were added as marking agents.The method has been applied to the determination of trace Nb in standard reference materials.The results were in agreement with standard values.Recovery of the standard addition for Nb was 95%~104% with precision RSD of 2.1%~4.3%.
Guangxi Sciences