目的 通过对动物从业人员以及其它健康人群感染SARS -CoV的血清学研究,揭示人群中SARS -CoV抗体水平,探讨动物作为传染源的传播途径。 方法 随机选取无SARS临床症状的健康动物从业人员以及其它健康人员等5 45人作为调查对象,使用统一调查表对调查对象进行个案调查,同时采集调查对象的血清,用ELISA法检测SARS -CoV抗体。 结果 共检测各种人群血样5 45份,其中动物从业人员血样2 69份,SARS -CoV抗体阳性率为8.18% ;健康人群血样2 76份,阳性率为1.0 9% ,动物从业人员SARS -CoV抗体阳性率和非从业人员SARS -CoV抗体阳性率比较有显著性差异。 结论 动物从业人员SARS -CoV抗体阳性率显著高于非从业人员,支持SARS
Objective Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV antibody IgG data were obtained in healthy wild animal practitioners and other healthy persons without SARS clinical symptoms in Zhuhai city district to probe into the ways of SARS-CoV spreading. Methodes Randomly selected 545 healthy wild animal practitioners and other healthy subjects were investigated with the same questionnaire form, and their serum SARS-CoV antibodies examined by ELISA method. Results Total positive rate of SARS-CoV antibody was 4.59%(25/545). The positive rate was 8.18% (22/269) in wild animal practitioners and 1.09% (3/276) in other healthy persons respectively, which showed highly significant differences (P<0.01). Conclusions The positive rate of the SARS-CoV antibody in the wild animal practitioners is significantly higher than that in the general population, which indicates that SARS-CoV might be originated from wild animals.
Practical Preventive Medicine