
21世纪中国成人高等教育发展探索 被引量:1

A Probe into the Development of China' s Adult Higher Education in the 21st Century
摘要 我国的高等教育,在新旧世纪交替之际的短短几年内,就成功地实现了大众化的历史性跨越发展,成人高等教育扮演着相当重要的角色。展望21世纪,成人高等教育依然是充分实现我国高等教育大众化的主要途径、特别是实现终身发展战略的最重要途径、更能直接服务于经济建设;我国的成人高等教育更需要突出服务意识、加快国际化进程、发挥网络教学优势;以全面实现成人高等教育的现代化,为我国高等教育从大众化向普及化方向的迈进做出新贡献。 China' s adult higher education has played v ery important role in the developmen t of higher education.In the 21st cen tury ,it is a main way to achieve the populariz ation of our country' s higher education,as well as the best avenue to lifelong education.Under the new situation,we should step up the r eform of adult higher education :str ess its service awareness,speed up i ts internationalization ,take full advantage of modern Intern et education to reform traditional t eaching means ,etc.Only by doing so ,can we make adult higher education contribute significantly to the progress of our country' s higher education towards popularization.
出处 《广西青年干部学院学报》 2005年第3期48-49,共2页 Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College
关键词 2l世纪 中国 成人高等教育 地位作用 发展思路 21st century China adult higher education status and function ideas for development
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  • 2Burton Clark, The Higher Education System, Berkeley: University of California Press, Ltd. , 1983,p. 143.
  • 3Peter Scott, The meanings of Mass Higher Education, Suffolk: The Society for Researeh into Higher Edueation & Open University Press, 1995, p. 168.
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  • 5US Department of Education, 120 Years of Americ Education: a staistical portrait, National Center fro Education Statistics, January 1993, p. 86-77.
  • 6President's Commssion on Hiher Edueatgion, Higher Education for American P Democracy, New York: Haper Brothers, 1974,Vol. 3. p5.
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  • 9John S. Brubacher, On the Philosophy of Higher Education, Revised edition, San Francisco: Josscy-Bass, Inc., Publishers, 1982,p. 62.
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