
资源与环境约束下的中国工业发展 被引量:185

China's Industrial Development under the Binding of Resource and Environment
摘要 中国工业发展所受到的资源和环境约束比世界上其他国家更为显著。人口和自然资源条件并不构成中国工业发展的绝对障碍,而且在许多方面中国的资源条件(特别是在总量规模和品种的丰富性上)具有一定的优势。但是,中国也不具有特别的资源丰度优势,人口众多、人均资源相对不足是一个基本国情。依靠大量消费能源,推动了中国经济的高速增长,但也使中国经济增长越来越接近了资源和环境条件的约束边界。储量、投资、产能(包括运输能力)、价格(机制和承受力)是工业资源问题的四个基本层面,其中,不同资源产品的价格特征又是资源供求问题的核心问题。对于中国目前和将来所面临的工业资源短缺性危机,一是价格问题,二是产能和投资问题,三是自然储量问题。历史地看,对于工业发展和环境质量的权衡,必须是理想主义和现实主义的结合。最根本的问题是:工业化是一个效率至上的市场竞争过程,而且是国际化、全球化的竞争。归根结蒂,是竞争力决定着生存、发展和环境质量的可行标准。一个国家的工业体系或者一个工业部门实现了以耗费资源技术为主向以节约资源技术为主的转变,称之为“竞争力突变”。作为一个发展中国家,中国实现竞争力突变的含义是:在社会(包括国际社会)认同的管制标准直至尽可能接近发达国家的管制标准的条件下, China's industrial development under the binding of resource and environment is more obvious comparing with other countries in the world. Population and natural resource are not absolutely obstacles to China's industrial development, and China's resource circumstance has its relative advantages, especially in the way of the total volume and variety. However, China is not a country with rich resources, large population and low per capita of resource are basic circumstance. Relying on over consuming energy pushes forward China's high economic growth, but at the same time it made China's economic growth close to binding boundary of resource and environment. The volume of reserves, investment, production capacity (including transportation), price (mechanism and endurance) are the four elementary problems of industrial resources, among with prices of various resources are the key problems of supply and demand. The risk of shortage of industrial resources is facing China currently and for the future, problems are first price, second production capacity and third natural reserves. From historical view, the balance between industrial development and environment quality should be combined idealism with realism. The most fundamental factor is that industrialization is a process of market competition based on efficiency and is an international, global competition. Competitiveness is in the final analysis conditioned by effective criterion of existence, development and environment. Industrial system or industrial sector in one country realized the transformation from consumption resource technology into resource save technology is namely as 'sudden change of competitiveness'. If China realizes sudden change of competitiveness as a developing country, the meaning is under the governance criterion of social identification (including international society) up to developed countries, realizing resource-save technology will be more competitiveness of industrial technology progress comparing with resource-consumption technology under the non-discrimination of market competition.
作者 金碚
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期5-14,共10页 China Industrial Economics
关键词 资源 环境 工业发展 工业竞争力 resource environment industrial development industrial competitiveness
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