It is a dominant concept in modem jurisprudence that judges should interpret and apply laws following certain principles creatively in the judicial process. At present, more and more nations entrust the power of interpretation of law to courts or judges by legislation. Judicial interpretation becomes a fundamental work in the judicature. As the outcome of collective wisdom under special institution, the law interpretation power by the supreme court is reasonable. The present judicial interpretation system in our country has series of obvious faults. As contemporary China is undergoing a process from tradition to modernization, it is a historical moment to develop the judicial interpretation system. The follows may be taken as a general strategy to rebuild Chinese judicial interpretation institution: transfer the function of the supreme court from trial to unification of law while reasonably define the functions of different courts; build sufficient authority of judicial interpretation according to the fundamental demand of the modern rule of law; establish a reasonable system of judicial interpretation following its inherent regular pattern.
China Legal Science